Friday, November 26, 2010

Hotot x (Beveren x Californian) update

First Step in this line was to breed a Beveren X Californian. The goal is to bring in some of the Beveren's fur qualities, while getting rid of the blue eyes and mandolin body type.
This is the F1 generation of the Hotot portion of the project. The results are pretty good.
I'll have some pics up soon.

Blanc de Hotot x Californian cross

This is the F2 generation. The rise from the shoulder is good and the rabbit is nicely compact. Good teeth, and the eyes are dark. I didn't expect any eye flecks in this line, but you never know! The rabbit to the left is 0C53B, an F2 buck, and other than a spot on his rump, could be shown as a Blanc de Hotot.

The growth rate is good, with 3 Jr's bucks weighing 7lbs 14oz and 1 Jr Buck at a Senior weight of 8lb 2oz. A rabbit should easily make their senior weight and get there fast. These guys are all on the lean side, certainly not fed up to a "show" weight. I'll give them a few months to flesh out and see how they look then.

Overall I'm pretty happy with the results so far, and can't wait for the next generation of this line.

This is 0C54B, also an F2 Buck from the same litter as the buck above

This is 0C57B, also an F2 Buck from the same litter as the bucks above. There is a 56B also, but the picture was not good enough to use.