Friday, June 12, 2009

Blanc de Hotot and Broken Black Satin Cross

For improving type in my Blanc de Hotot rabbits I chose a Satin in a broken black pattern. The eye bands are already there! Way big, but there. The Satin has a great early rise (the back rises right from the back of the head) and nice strong shoulders. These are two traits needed by the Hotot. She (no name) is currently expecting a litter by my Blanc de Hotot buck OC1, and is due about July 6th.

The Satin also has a longer, glossier fur that should be a nice compliment to the Hotot fur. It is a flyback fur, where the Hotot is of course a roll back fur, but this can be overcome in a few generations of breed-back to a pure Hotot line.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi,
    First, gorgeous rabbit, absolutely gorgeous.
    Second, I don't mean to pester you but I've been trying to figure out the possible breed for my rabbit and she looks almost identical to your beauty there. Is the rabbit in the above picture just a satin? Or is she a mix of satin and hotot?
